Why the 8th Doctor?

There are Doctor Who websites everywhere: doctorwhonews.net, tardisnewsroom & kasterborous.com to name only a few. In all the websites on the World Wide Web, there are no websites devoted to the 8th Doctor. Sadly the Paul McGann Doctor has received little press mostly because he had only one TV appearance. But the 8th Doctor has lived on beyond the FOX movie. He has had adventures in a range of books and not to mention the Big Finish Audio Series (which this website counts as Doctor Who Cannon). The 8th Doctor is as much apart of series history as any of the other actors who played the part. So I ask: Why not the 8th Doctor.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Series 2: Neverland

The Web of Time is stretched to breaking. History is leaking like a sieve. In the Citadel of Gallifrey, the Time Lords fear the end of everything that is, everything that was... everything that will be.
The Doctor holds the Time Lords' only hope - but exactly what what lengths will the Celestial Intervention Agency go to in their efforts to retrieve something important from within his TARDIS? What has caused Imperiatrix Romanadvoratrelundar to declare war on the rest of creation? And can an old nursey rhyme about a monster called Zagreus really be coming true?
The answers can only be found outside the bounds of the universe itself, in a place that history forgot. In the wastegrounds of eternity. In the Neverland.

Paul McGann (The Doctor); India Fisher (Charley Pollard); Lalla Ward (Romana); Don Warrington (Rassilon); Anthony Keetch (Coordinator Vansell); Peter Trapani (Kurst); Holly King (Levith); Lee Moone (Undercardinal); Mark McDonnell (Rorvan); Nicola Boyce (Taris); Dot Smith (Matrix voice); Jonathan Rigby (Matrix voice); Ian Hallard (Matrix voice)

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