Why the 8th Doctor?

There are Doctor Who websites everywhere: doctorwhonews.net, tardisnewsroom & kasterborous.com to name only a few. In all the websites on the World Wide Web, there are no websites devoted to the 8th Doctor. Sadly the Paul McGann Doctor has received little press mostly because he had only one TV appearance. But the 8th Doctor has lived on beyond the FOX movie. He has had adventures in a range of books and not to mention the Big Finish Audio Series (which this website counts as Doctor Who Cannon). The 8th Doctor is as much apart of series history as any of the other actors who played the part. So I ask: Why not the 8th Doctor.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Series 10: Nevermore

A bizarre manifestation in the Control Room forces the TARDIS onto the Plutonian shores of the irradiated world Nevermore, whose sole inhabitant is the war criminal Morella Wendigo – a prisoner of this devastated planet. But the Doctor and his new companion aren’t Morella’s only visitors. Senior Prosecutor Uglosi fears the arrival of an assassin, after the blood of his prize prisoner. An assassin with claws… Starring Paul McGann and Niky Wardley with Fenella Woolgar, Michael J Shannon and Emilia Fox.

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